15. März 2025

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When at any time or place has the Paranormal in any of its myriad manifestations ever shown itself to be a phenomenon of reason and rationality? When? Never!

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1990 was the year the initial Solheim Cup is played at Lake Nona G.C., Orlando, commencing a biennial USA vs. Europe competition for women, a recognition of the growing strength of women’s golf on both sides of the Atlantic. The Ben Hogan Tour is launched as a minor league for the PGA TOUR, following the increased success of mini-tours such as the U.S. Golf Tour in 1989.

An edited 30-second version and 15 second version of this commercial are the ones that have aired innumerable times over the years. The question still remains satisfactorily unanswered.

Carter, R.A. and Long, M. The Web of Words: Language-Based Approaches to Literature: Students and Teachers’ Book. Cambridge: Cambridge students Press, 1987.

It is quite amusing to see people on a commuter train that is delayed on the way to work. Most people take it in their stride, but there are the workaholics that get so irate that they would happily leave the train and run down the tracks to get to work. Why? And when they get so upset, they do this to themselves. The job will not go anywhere. Their health will eventually give in, and they will still not understand that their bodies reflect the state of their souls. They will still be the slaves of this manmade concept called time.

There is research being conducted that is aimed at accomplishing that very thing. Enrique Cerda and L. Mahadevan of the University of Cambridge in England discovered that wrinkling can be predicted. They first tested their theory using drying apples and garbage bags and discovered that the wrinkling was, in fact, predictable.

Not once in the last 70 years of High Strangeness have Paranormal Events ever lent themselves susceptibly and ably to Occam’s Razor. Not once. There are always very many unanswered questions left in its slashing wake that are all unsatisfactorily dealt with when it is used on any aspect of the Paranormal. One size does not fit all!

It is your choice that is the compass that point to your destination. It is your will that provokes the strength in you to do what you could not have done. For instance, there is a story of a pregnant woman; who being chased by a mad dog jumped over a seven feet wall! The will to live infused a strange strength into her. Therefore, your choice to succeed is what generates in you the force to succeed. Likewise, the will to succeed drives you to break limitations in life.

According to the Telegraph, the average IQ for peers and students is 100. Lauren knew that and expected her score on the intelligence test to be about the same. She described how the suspense was as she became one of the last to receive results.